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During the past 12 years, the environment has always been on the lower end of the top 10 list of Utah voters, demonstrating a consistent but maybe not acute concern about their surroundings. Historically, air quality and the environment were a combined topic. This year, due to the high number of comments regarding air quality specifically, the topics were split in two. Figure 5 highlights what that split looked like in the overall list of priorities.

In the preliminary, open-response poll, a small number of respondents indicated that the environment was the greatest issue facing Utah. While most of these respondents did not go into detail about what that meant for them, several respondents indicated climate change and pollution.

The Environment Position in Utah Priorities


Briefs, Reports, and Blogs

Utah Foundation’s brief on the environment

Also, feel free to glance through some of our older reports and blogs about the environment.

View all Environment Reports
View all Environment Blogs