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It is no surprise that jobs and the economy has topped the list the previous two election cycles. The anemic economic recovery kept the spotlight on the lack of good jobs for an extended time. Since 2012, Utah’s economy has emerged as one of the best in the nation, with one of the lowest unemployment rates and highest job growth rates. Business is going so well in Utah that many companies are reporting employee shortages. But despite the low unemployment rate and recent signs of increasing wages, jobs and the economy are still a concern for many Utah voters. In the open-response survey, one-third of respondents identified jobs or the economy in some way, whether that was wages, jobs, business environment, cost of living, or encouraging economic growth. Of these respondents, 11% listed different economic issues as a first or second priority. Half of these comments focused on there being enough jobs for those who need them. Many of those who focused on jobs commented that they should be “quality” or “high paying” jobs. Out of the comments focusing on the economy, 12% mentioned low wages and 10% referred to the cost of living.

Jobs and the Economy Position in Utah Priorities


Briefs, Reports, and Blogs

Utah Foundation’s brief on jobs and the economy

Also, feel free to glance through some of our older reports and blogs about jobs and the economy.

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