Politicians Not Listening to Voters: 2024 Utah Priorities Project

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“Politicians not listening to voters” is a top concern for Utahns in the 2024 Utah Priorities Project. Even if politicians “listen” to all voters, the voters might not feel heard if those elected officials vote in ways that do not represent an individual’s views. As a result, people might believe that politicians are not listening – even if they really are.

This brief focuses on three Utah Priorities Project survey questions, including:

  • Over 70% of respondents agreed that “Utah’s politicians are too beholden to business, religious, or other special interests and ignore the will of the people.” When analyzing this set of data by demographic subgroups, Democrats, unaffiliated voters, and those who are less religious really stood out.
  • Over 70% also agreed that “Religion should be kept separate from government policies.” Less than 30% agreed with the opposing statement that “Government policies should support religious values and beliefs.”


Read the brief here.



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