What is a Utah College Degree Worth? A Comparison of Employment and Educational Outcomes Among Utah Colleges and Universities


This report compares the current employment and educational status of 2004 graduates from all major colleges and universities in Utah, along with information about salaries they are earning after one year in the workforce.

One of the most interesting aspects of the report is the comparison of salaries earned by 2004 graduates after their first year in the workforce. Statewide, most bachelor’s degree graduates are making less than $30,000 a year. However, graduates who completed internships during their college experience are much more likely to be employed full time and receive significantly higher salaries.Those graduating wtih advanced degrees earn significantly more, with a majority earning $50,000 or more.

The report also provides data on how many graduates from each school chose to enter the workforce, go on to graduate school, or decide to be homemakers.

Read this report:

Research Report

Read the previous report on Utah’s College Grads:

Research Report
Executive Summary

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