Earning Enough to Pay for Non-Housing Needs: 2024 Utah Priorities Project

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This is the third research brief of the 2024 Utah Priorities Project. The Project found that “earning enough to pay for non-housing needs” is of high concern for Utahns. This is particularly the case for Utahns with lower incomes, conservatives, Republicans, unaffiliated voters, and those who are more religious or spiritual.

This brief includes survey response regarding where non-housing price increases most affected family budgets. Of nine possible choices, 70% of voters reported that grocery prices affected them the most. Older Utah voters reported a smaller family-budget impact from the cost of food as compared to younger groups.

The research brief also suggests that, despite the pinch voters feel from rising costs, Utah seems economically well-positioned in terms of current inflation rates, unemployment rates, and household incomes.

Read the brief here.



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